LED Profilelement GmbH Odoo Version 15.0+e
Information zu LED Profilelement GmbH Odoo Instanz , der Open Source ERP.
Installierte Apps
- Customer Billing/Combined Invoices
- Customer Billing for Several invoices.
- Purchase Order Status
- odoo App will show Partial Shipment, Partial Invoice, shipped, Invoiced Status on Purchase Order | purchase invoice status | purchase shipment status | purchase vendor bill status | partial shipment status | partial invoice status | purchase order status | purchase status
- Website product stock notify
- Ecommerce - Product Stock Notification For Customers
- Verkauf
- Vom Angebot bis zur Rechnung
- Abrechnung
- Rechnungen & Zahlungseingänge
- Kundenverwaltung
- Track leads and close opportunities
- Website
- Enterprise Website ersteller
- Lager
- Verwalten Sie Ihre Lager- und Logistikaktivitäten
- Finanzen
- Verwaltung der Finanz- und Kostenstellenbuchhaltung
- Einkauf
- Bestellungen, Angebote und Vereinbarungen
- Projekt
- Organisieren und planen Sie Ihre Projekte
- eCommerce
- Verkaufen Sie ihre Produkte Online
- Fertigung
- Fertigungsaufträge & Stücklisten
- E-Mail-Marketing
- Entwerfen, senden und verfolgen von E-Mails
- Studio
- Erstellen und passen Sie Ihre Odoo-Apps an
- Dokumente
- Dokumenten-Management
- Abwesenheiten
- Allocate PTOs and follow leaves requests
- Personal
- Zentralisierung von Mitarbeiterinformationen
- Atharva Extended
- Atharva Extended Module
- Finance Interface DATEV
- Export of account moves to DATEV
- German Documents
- Designed German Documents for Odoo.
- ecoservice: iluminize GmbH
- Customizations for iluminize GmbH.
- ecoservice: iluminize Extended
- Ecoservice iluminize GmbH Extended Module
- Custom Product Labels
- Print custom product labels with barcode | Barcode Product Label
- Odoo Product Label Builder
- Product Barcode Label Building and Printing | Professional Tool to Print Labels | Barcode Product Label Builder | Product Label Designer | Sticker Label Maker | Dymo Label Maker | Barcode Label Generator | Direct Print
- Generate Return Shipment Label for RMA
- This module helps to generate the label for the incoming shipment for the RMA module.
- Double Opt-In
- Double Opt In Verification For Email Marketing
- Mollie Payments Extended
- This module provides the extra features for Mollie payment acquirer.
- Product Advanced Attribute
- Manage advanced product attributes
- Product Energy Label
- This module helps to display energy label and product data sheet based on the energy efficiency attribute value.
- Product Extended
- Product Extended Module
- Mail Messages Easy. Show all messages, Show sent messages, Reply to message, Forward message, Archive message, Delete Undelete message, Quote message, Move message
- Read and manage all Odoo messages in one place! Show all messages, Show sent message, Reply to messages, Forward messages, Edit messages, Delete messages, Move messages, Quote messages
- Mail Messages Easy Pro: Show Lost Message, Move Message, Reply, Forward, Move, Edit or Delete from Chatter, Filter Messages in Chatter
- Extra features for free 'Mail Messages Easy' app Show Lost Message, Move Message, Reply, Forward, Move, Edit or Delete from Chatter, Filter Messages in Chatter
- RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) in Odoo
- Manage Return Merchandize Authorization (RMA) in Odoo. Allow users to manage Return Orders, Replacement, Refund & Repair in Odoo.The RMA solution from Emipro helps to efficiently accept return request from the customer, provide them the option to get a refund, repair or replacement, and accordingly manage various operational aspects in Odoo such as creating return receipts, delivery orders, credit notes, adjusting stock levels, etc.Emipro is also having integration for well known ecommerce solutions or applications named as Woocommerce connector , Shopify connector , magento connector and also we have solutions for Marketplace Integration such as Odoo Amazon connector , Odoo eBay connector , Odoo walmart Connector , Odoo Bol.com connector.Aside from ecommerce integration and ecommerce marketplace integration, we also provide solutions for various operations, such as shipping , logistics , shipping labels , and shipping carrier management with our shipping integration , known as the Shipstation connector.For the customers who are into Dropship business, we do provide EDI Integration that can help them manage their Dropshipping business with our Dropshipping integration or Dropshipper integration It is listed as Dropshipping EDI integration and Dropshipper EDI integration.Emipro applications can be searched with different keywords like Amazon integration , Shopify integration , Woocommerce integration, Magento integration , Amazon vendor center module , Amazon seller center module , Inter company transfer , eBay integration , Bol.com integration , inventory management , warehouse transfer module , dropship and dropshipper integration and other Odoo integration application or module
- Sale Extended
- Sale Extended Module
- Advanced Variant Prices
- The tool to configure variant prices based on attributes coefficients and surpluses
- Website RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization)
- Website RMA (Return Merchandise Authorization) provides an easy interface to manage return or replacement order directly from the website portal
- Kundendienst
- Track, prioritize, and solve customer tickets
- Planung
- Verwalten Sie den Zeitplan Ihrer Mitarbeiter
- Diskussion
- Chat, Mail-Gateway und private Kanäle
- Kontakte
- Zentralisierung Ihres Adressbuchs
- Kalender
- Planung von Mitarbeiterversammlungen
- Blogs
- Veröffentlichen Sie Blog-Posts, Ankündigungen und Neuigkeiten
- Live-Chat
- Chatten Sie mit Ihren Website-Besuchern
- Dashboards
- Erstellen Sie Ihre eigenen Dashboards
- Reparaturen
- Beschädigte Produkte reparieren
- Anwesenheiten
- Verfolgen Sie die Anwesenheit Ihrer Mitarbeiter
- Strichcode
- Verwenden Sie Barcode-Scanner zur Abwicklung von Logistikvorgängen
- Notizen
- Organisieren Sie Ihre Arbeit mit Memos
- Mollie Zahlungsanbieter
- Zahlungsanbieter: Mollie Implementierung
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